Green Tea and Weight Loss

For centuries, Asian cultures have used green tea for medicinal purposes and to maintain general well being. Modern science has confirmed the traditional medical claims for green tea, discovering its mighty anti-cancer, anti-aging, and immune system-boosting properties. In addition to its ability to stimulate your circulation and metabolism, green tea has been shown to encourage fat loss, making it not only an optimal weight loss supplement but also a natural way to reduce belly fat. Green tea is also credited with improving insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.

Generations of Asian cultures have lauded green tea for its ability to promote healing and well-being. Recent studies have revealed the tea to be abundant in polyphenol antioxidants and disease-fighting flavonoids known as catechins. These incredible health agents enable green tea to fight cancer, delay aging, and boost the immune system. What's more, the catechins in green tea stimulate the metabolism and oxidize fat.

As a natural source of caffeine, green tea offers the weight loss advantages associated with caffeine, including the stimulation of thermogenesis and elimination of excess water from the body.

Recent evidence shows that green tea's weight loss properties go beyond its natural caffeine content. The catechins in green tea, affecting the body's usage of norepinephrine, increase the rate at which calories are burned. The catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) also promotes fat oxidation.

-excerpt from

What is aloe vera and why is it important for digestive health?

Part of the Asphodelaceae family, aloe vera is a genus of plants with nearly 400 species spread throughout Africa and the Mediterranean region. One such species, aloe vera, grows up to four feet in height with tough, thick leaves long used for medicinal purposes. Aloe vera gel, derived from the inner part of the leaf, is a familiar remedy for cuts and burns. The juice located between the outer skin of the leaf and the gel is known as aloe latex, and has been found to promote digestive health, soothe ulcers, heartburn, constipation, and other digestive problems when used internally. The ability of aloe latex to stimulate bowel movements and balance the stomach's acidity has made it a safe natural solution for treating digestive discomforts and aiding digestion. Also, the healthy digestive tract promoted by aloe vera allows for greater nutrient absorption, boosting your body's overall health.

Juicing Helps You Flatten Your Stomach?

What does “juicing” mean? I purchased a machine that allows me to place raw vegetables in and it shoots out JUICE – almost like magic. I did some research online and selected a highly rated juicer that was in my budget. I spent $175 and please know that there are many great juicers for 100 bucks.

Ok sure – sitting on the sofa with your bag of chips and drinking gallons of fresh juice will do you no good. I’m under the assumption you are trying to maintain a healthy balance in your life with nutrition and exercise – and that you really want a few extra tips to motivate you – or give you that edge.

Most people have compromised intestines as a result of poor food choices over a long period of time. This limits our bodies’ ability to absorb all the nutrients from our food. When you consume raw, unpasteurized juice you can help your body to be more productive with the absorption process and you get all that great fiber and nutrition.

Once you have a routine down you will notice the many benefits of juicing including how it help your digestive system along – and for those that are trying – yes it will help keep your gut flatter as it aids your body with digestion and rids your intestines of built up toxins.

I’ve been juicing for over a year now and notice that when I go a week without it – my body misses it.

My goal is to consume at least 12oz a day of fresh vegetable juice and 4oz of fresh fruit juice. It’s fun to mix and match different veggie’s and fruits until you find the combination that is right for you. Personally I love carrot and spinach with a touch of orange to keep the flavor tolerable.

It takes some planning and fresh juice should be consumed within 24 hours from the time you juice it. There is a great deal of information online to support you from machine selection to recipes and even how to keep your juicer clean. Individuals with diabetes should be aware that FRUIT juice will raise your insulin levels. Stick with the veggies if this is a concern for you.

Now go get a juicer and start juicing TODAY!

I Burn 750 – 1,000 Calories in 1 hour!

I think we all know that cardio vascular exercise is the KEY in keeping your body balanced and maintaining a lean, Flat Healthy Stomach. Years ago I had a knee injury and couldn’t do many high impact exercises…of course this became my excuse for why I didn’t do enough cardio.

My latest addiction is indoor cycling. At my local gym they have spinning classes – great fun on a stationary bike. Classes differ in style and format based on the instructor – I personally love the classes with heavy dance music and big base beats.

What is most important is that you are in total control. You choose the resistance and speed. You have to stay honest to yourself and not spend the whole hour ridding “downhill”.

If you have never experienced this class – don’t be shy or intimidated by the people in the class in fancy riding gear and bike shoes. Sign up and try just one class – in my opinion it may be the best way to burn BIG calories in one hour.

Let me know if you try it and what you think!

***Did you know that Flat Healthy Stomach works as a Natural Energy Supplement? Aloe and green tea naturally refresh and energize the body, improving athletic endurance.

For more information about natural weight loss, green tea weight loss, ways to reduce belly fat, natural weight loss supplements, natural energy supplements, digestive health and ways to lose belly fat visit

Reduce Belly Fat – the 3 Essentials

Sitting on the couch with a bag of chips and a can of soda are surely not going to help you get your dream body. Most people fail to meet their fitness goals because they don’t see results fast enough. These 3 tips won’t make you a cover model – but they can get you on a the path to over all fitness and a more balanced body. Getting started is the tough part – hang in there long enough and you WILL see results.

Portion Control - So many people focus on what NOT to eat rather than how to eat. There are many great flavors available and trying to have a smaller waste shouldn't mean you can no longer enjoy food. Try and cut the portion size of each meal in half. Cut back on any fatty additives like butter, whole milk, cream in your coffee, SODA (diet or regular) and oils. Don't give them up - cut back. Being hungry between meals is normal and a sign that your body needs to be refueled. Choose wisely here and snack on fruits, vegetables, a handful of almonds, low fat yogurt or even low fat cottage cheese. Don't forget to drink water! Your body needs it and it will work better if you can get 8-10 glasses a day.

Movement is essential to support any body transformation. To meet your goals look at what you do now and work towards what we call the double double...double the duration and double the intensity. For example if you walk for 15 minutes 3 times a week you will need to double double that to three 30 minute walks at a pace twice as fast as normal. In another example if you work out regularly at the gym or home double double by adding small exercises in between your normal set (push ups, sit ups, lunges) and increase the number of reps you do.

Supplementation is key because no one every naturally takes in the perfect blend of necessary nutrients. We recommend a whole food based multi vitamin, protein shakes if you are trying to increase lean muscle mass, fish oils, and a new natural supplement that combines green tea and aloe called Flat Healthy Stomach. Check it out at

Two tips to help you along…

Visualize your goals - cut out pictures of several bodies that you wish to look like - post them in a place where you can see them each day. If you are brave enough you will put them on the fridge!

Take on a partner - ask your friend, family member or spouse to join in your mission - you are more likely to succeed as a pair or more.

Be true to yourself and stick to it - it takes time to see results!

Good luck and keep us posted – more to come!

Reduce Your Belly Bulge - What is behind it?

What’s behind your belly bulge?

Let’s be frank about it: poop is a serious subject. It’s not a pleasant topic, but we have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t do it. What’s more, the digestion of food and elimination of waste is an important matter for anyone trying to lose weight, reduce belly fat and attain digestive health . Most people don’t realize that behind their belly bulge can lie four to 10 pounds of undigested food and uneliminated waste that has built up over the years. That protuberance around your middle is more than unsightly—it’s toxic.

Attain Digestive Health and Reduce Belly Fat

The function of the intestinal tract is to absorb nutrients from the foods we eat and eliminate waste. When we drink a sufficient amount of water and consume the proper foods, meaning those that are sources of raw, natural fiber, our bowels function properly. Alternatively, when we consume high-fat, highly-processed, zero-fiber foods, they become lodged in our digestive tract and gradually accumulate, resulting in an intestinal bulge that in turn causes the stomach to swell. Not only does this “dead” food back up the digestive system, but it also essentially rots inside of us. This circumstance causes a number of health problems, including:

· Slowed metabolism

· Powerful food cravings

· Excess weight gain

· Frequent fatigue

· Skin problems

· Impaired digestion

· Irritability and mood swings

· Recurring headaches

· Constipation

· Metallic taste in mouth

· Flatulence and bloating

· Bad breath and foul-smelling stools

What’s worse is that the gastrointestinal buildup resulting from a diet low in fiber but high in fat can lead to colon cancer. You can see why poop and digestive health is such a serious matter. We invite you to visit the butcher shop and pick up a four-pound package of meat. Can you imagine that sitting inside of you in a big, unmoving lump, bound for—or already in the process of—putrefaction? Can you imagine the toxins flooding your system?

Learn more at

Your Solution:

Reduce Belly Fat and Attain Digestive Health with

Flat Healthy Stomach

The good news is that Flat Healthy Stomach combines all natural ingredients into one supplement to help detoxify the body, restore your internal pH balance, regulate your system, and get rid of that unwanted pouch once and for all.

Flat Healthy Stomach Ingredients

· Aloe: Aloe is unparalleled for its soothing properties and natural positive impact on the digestive system and your digestive health. It gently stimulates bowel movements so that the undigested food and trapped waste matter compromising the health of your digestive tract efficiently move through your intestines. Aloe is a potent detoxifier.

· Green Tea: Just one of the many benefits of the high antioxidant content of green tea is its ability to detoxify the body. Its powerful catechins also serve to improve digestion. Green tea’s natural diuretic properties help to eliminate waste.

Choose Flat Healthy Stomach to Enhance Your Digestive Health and Reduce Belly Fat

Flat Healthy Stomach is not a once-and-done cleanse. In conjunction with a proper diet and regular exercise, Flat Healthy Stomach helps you achieve a constant state of digestive balance. Considering the numerous health benefits afforded by the ingredients in this natural weight loss supplement, a leaner, flatter stomach seems like a perk!

Learn more at